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Newsletter Issue # 44

New look ANFF-ACT Website….


During the COVID-19 ANU shutdown period, we came up with ideas to utilize our work-from-home time to make our website more user-friendly and put lots of information related to our node. We now have tutorials for the nanofabrication techniques/tools that we host.


The tutorials are made with users in mind that have less or even zero background in nanofabrication. They consists of theory, capabilities and comparison of various techniques. We also have one tutorial that will take you through brief details of all the tools that we have in our facility. In addition, we have uploaded Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of all tools along with Standard Recipes (SR) for the process that are commonly used. The tutorials, SOPs and SRs can be found on “Resources” page of our website.



Furthermore, we have categorized tools as per the process, so it is easier for you to identify the appropriate tool for the project. We have also added “Research Highlights” page that gives brief description of the research carried out at our node. If you are a group leader and want to include your research that uses ANFF-ACT facility, please email our node administrator Ms Sue Berkeley. Advantage for you being potential collaboration if our user’s research falls into your area. Only registered users will be able to access the Resources page. You can register through our booking page or contact Ms Sue Berkeley.

Kaushal Vora